Saturday 28 March 2015

À la recherche du temps perdu or whatever

For no particular reason here is the Anlaby Road end of Midland Street from the station car park. The place hasn't changed much, if at all, in the time I've known it. Joynson's have been in that building since the 1890's selling kitchen equipment. I have to admit to a certain, possibly irrational, disliking of this street, indeed in an another post I called it seedy. When I first came to this town I was looking for digs and a B&B was recommended to me on Midland Street. I don't think I'd ever seen a more run down Dickensian flea-pit in all my then young life. It's not often I run away but that day I ran. Always a slight shudder when going past this place.

Weekend reflections are here.


  1. Wonderful reflection in the car. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. The thoughts of what might have been i suppose play on your mind. The greyness and dampness of the day add little to the life and soul of this street except for the reflection on the car.

  3. The greyness lends it a bleak look.

  4. Great reflection of light in a car...
